Cordelia was extremely helpful and knowledgeable in the purchase of our new home. During the search we asked to look at over 15 houses and she never batted a eye, immediately setting times to go look at the properties. She was incredibly responsive to all of our questions through every step of the process.


Great realtor to work with, really knows the market.


Thanks to Cordelia, my first time home buying experience was amazing.


Cordelia is one of the best agents in Auburn! She has a passion for real estate and will work her hardest to find you a dream home or to sell for the best price!


Cordelia is a dedicated realtor who will go that extra mile for you. Always 100% professional and a real go getter, she will meet your needs and exceed your expectations!


Cordelia Jarvis is a go-getter. Once she sets out to help a client, she gives it her all. I highly recommend her to help you find your dream home. You will not regret it


Cordelia helped me and my husband sell our home right away. She was very supportive and informative. The whole process was never stressful and we could count on her for any help at any time. Would definitely recommend!


Cordelia is really nice. She gave us a clear guidance to buy a house and explanined the paper work so we understood it. Also she has a good summary of pricing trend in recently years which we can compare and look for ideal location. She advised us to uptain a home inspection, and helped us know the house was in good condition. For now, I am really happy for living in my new home. Thanks for Cordelia.


Cordelia goes out of her way to help her clients like no other realtor I have met. She truly cares for her client and she has helped me in many ways. I recommend Cordelia for buying or selling a house.


Cordelia has a very thoughtful and pleasant personality to work with. She responds timely and is very patient. Thanks to her, we had a very smooth experience buying our dream home! Recommend!


Cordelia has a very positive working attitude and always responsive to her clients. She gives out and shared us with her professional opinions and skills. A very patient and reliable broker.
